Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Kitchen Has Re-Opened!

My apologies for leaving those of you who follow my blog hungry.  But for those of you who know me personally, the reason for my absence is pretty obvious: a little over three months ago, we welcomed a beautiful baby boy to our family. 

It's been a hard transition from one to two children.  Despite trying to ready myself for it, there was no way I could have appreciated the juggling act I'd have to master.  And that's just the juggling of the two kids; I'm not even talking about throwing the rest of life into the mix.  One aspect of life is obviously feeding my family, but before you think we were all starving for all these months, please know that we ate well.  This blog was a life saver as I used it to revisit the recipes that we all loved, that could be easily doubled and froze well.  And so before my son was born, I spent many hours in the kitchen preparing chilis, lasagnas, soups and stews so that I could focus my time on my children. 

Lately I've been making two batch meals a week to add to our dwindling supply.  That way, I can shake up the menu a bit, as well as leave space to try new (never frozen?) recipes.  It's also summer time, and at least once a week we like to eat a meal of farmer's market vegetables along with something on the grill, like salmon.  And now that I'm slowly learning new routines--and if you have kids, you know that this will include things like "having a shower at least every other day"--I'm making my way back into the kitchen.  And the computer. 

So it's my hope that everyone can have Dinner at the Kinaymans on a more regular basis.  I've missed blogging for everyone and I hope you've missed the recipes.

Afiyet olsun!

1 comment:

  1. You're not pregnant and I'm guessing you're not barefoot, Miss Leopard Print Sparkle Shoes. Get back in the kitchen and cook me some food! ;) Love you, and so glad you're back up and running!
